Productivity Commission Inquiry into Philanthropy

Did you know that some charities striving to protect animals or prevent catastrophic disasters can't accept tax-deductible donations? This hurts fundraising and community organising – ultimately making them less impactful. But we have an opportunity to change that!

The Productivity Commission is conducting a landmark review of Australia's charity laws, and we're making progress! The draft report includes recommendations to expand tax-deductible status to charities like the Alliance for Animals, working to prevent animal suffering, and removing restrictions on charities like Effective Altruism Australia from doing community-building across a range of causes. But there's more to be done, and we need your support!

Dr Bidda Jones from the Alliance for Animals and Greg Sadler from Effective Altruism Australia, ran an online workshop event to explain the process so far and provide attendees with the insights and tools for your personal submission.

Steps to having your say:

  1. Watch the recording of the community workshop.

  2. Register to use the submission co-pilot application.

  3. Lodge your submission and help create meaningful change for Australian charities and support the causes you care about.

Lodge your submission

Lodge your submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry.

Submission opportunities close Friday 9 February 2024.

Other ways you can help

We’d love your feedback, please complete the feedback survey.

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